Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I've got that joy, joy, joy down in my heart!

Today's theme song "I got that joy, joy, joy, down in my heart"! Sometimes when my kids are being ungrateful or when they can't see the blessing that is their lives, I say "you are blessed, be blessed!" Taking my own advice today. Feeling blessed and thanking the creator for my joy!  I had this romantic notion that Ced and I would close on our house, get the keys, and go straight to our new home and make love on the floor. I was going to pack a picnic basket for us and I bought a bouquet of flowers to put on the mantel. But when we found out we can't get into the house until 4/5 I felt defeated. We have been working so hard to get this place. So much has gone wrong so we thought if we can just close all will be good. I actually got my period last night after 20 rounds of phone calls and emails to broker, lawyer and agent. It's been like this for weeks. Calls. Emails. Franticness. The last time I got my. period was back in August when a colleague stepped on my spirit. Stress induced periods?!! No ma'am!! So I'm sitting here this morning reflecting. I have come to realize that life is not romantic. It is real. And that it is up to me to decide how I will feel about it. So I choose joy today. Today I become a home owner at a time when that reality has sadly become harder and harder for hard working and deserving Americans. I am recentering myself, recognizing my privilege, rejoicing in my blessings, and reclaiming my joy.