My intention for today is to let go and let Goddess
To be specific, I am in great need of letting go of
self doubt, shame, resentment, anxiety, apathy and fear.
These emotions have haunted me over the warm seasons of 2015,
growing like weeds instead of flowers and today, on the Autumnal Equinox,
I am deciding to tend my own spiritual garden. I will let these spiritual weeds go and let them die.
I will have to pull them from their roots and burn them.
As a gardener, I realize that weeds are strong and
As a gardener, I realize that weeds are strong and
that even the smallest amount of root left behind will allow it to grow and smother my
flowers and plants again. I accept that fact, for I cannot change it. These emotions live
within me but I will not let them consume and dominate me any longer.
Today, I call upon the goddess mother, Kali, and my ancestors to support and guide me as I kill
off the old and destructive within me. I will use this new season to plant new
flowers and direct my energies towards new journeys and my desired ways of
existing in the world. I know not what the future holds for me but, like a seed buried in soil, I will stand in the sunlight and the moonlight each day as I seek answers. I will take in fresh air
into my lungs and I will drink water plentifully. These acts are to honor my garden. my soul.
my spirit. my body. all else that is meant to be will blossom into the fruits of my labor and my love. I invite you all to pull weeds from your gardens as well for our gardens and spirits are connected.
Here is a small ritual that I will do today to honor renewal. Join me!
Bulb Planting Ceremony.
You don’t need a yard or garden to do this, or to take lots of time digging a bed. All you need is a small outdoor (or indoor) space and a good-sized pot. You can find big plastic pots at garage sales or thrift stores, use old food containers with drainage, or you can invest in a lovely vessel for your flower bulbs of intention.
Visit your local garden shop or farmer’s market and pick up any of your favorite spring or summer flowers. Grab a small bag of potting soil too if you don’t have any. They sell it at the dollar store.
Fill your pot with soil, and bury each bulb at least an inch into the moist dirt. As you place each bulb into the dark soil, state your intention for those things you want to incubate and gather energy during the winter months.
Water when you are done and let your bulb intentions gather their own momentum as they hibernate in the soil. Some months after Solstice they will send up their first shoots and you will be reminded of your intentions and the work you wish to do as the seasons turn.
Interested in other Autumn equinox renewal ceremonies? See here for the bulb ritual and others or share yours with us!
My grannie and her neighbor tending to their garden |
weeds I pulled soon after penning this post |